Picture Retake Day- October 30!
Listen to announcmenrs for more information!
Charge your devices!
Stop losing your chargers!
You don't forget to charge your phone which can't be used during the day at school, but your devices are left uncharged! Your laptop is an important tool needed daily to do your school work.
Take responsibility for your learning!
Family Portal - Food Services
The Family Portal allows you to:
- Pay for meals.
- Check balances.
- View histories.
- Transfer money.
For more information, please see our Food Services Page.
BPS Emotional Health & Wellness
Visit the BPS Emotional Health and Wellness website for parent, caregiver, student and staff resources, along with hotlines.
Visit website
Laptop Information
Bullying, Hate, & Bias Management Response
This online reporting platform is a safe space for Birmingham Public Schools students to document bullying, hate and bias-related incidents within our schools or at school-related activities. The district firmly believes that bullying, hatred and bias have no place anywhere, including Birmingham Public Schools. Our primary objective is to ensure all students feel emotionally and physically safe.
1/2 Days in October: